Saturday, July 18, 2009

Don't Forget the Kitties

It all began with Maverick...aka Merv Perv. He was the coolest cat ever. He went through every major life change of my young adulthood with me...going off to college, living on my own for the first time, moving from South Carlina to Alabama, getting my first apartment living by myself, getting my first "real job', getting married, and buying our first house. He and Kitchen were very tight. From the time I decided he needed a companion to keep him company during my longs days at work, the two of them were inseparable. When Kitchen was a kitten and climbing all over him, I am sure that he wanted to kill me! After she matured and chilled out the two of them were great buddies. Her proper name did not start out as "Kitchen". It was actually Phoebe...Kitchen is just one of those things that evolved and stuck. Her records at the Vet's office even says "Kitchen". I remember my Nephew Wells thinking her name was so funny. He told me he was going to get a cat and name it either Bathroom, Dining room or Living room. Something told me it was time to introduce a new cat and I am glad we did it when we did. Kitchen was not accepting the new kitten Kiki...and took a long time to warm up. In true Maverick fashion he let that crazy kitten climb all over him without a word of protest. It was not long after we moved into our house that Marverick fell mysteriously sick. He died in the car with Jason on the way to the Vet. Losing this cat was very traumatic for both of us and I am sure for Kitchen as well because she loved him so much. He was the coolest cat you have ever seen. He was always in the room with us and loved for you to scratch him under his arms. He was most famous for doing what we called, "Mr. Smooshy Face". This is a video of our Merv Perv being coaxed into doing Mr. Smooshy Face.

Kiki is a character...she loves to chew on things...which is really irritating! I can't tell you how many times I have had to replace my computer mouse! We think she wishes she was a dog. She even drinks out of their water dish. She does not understand why those stupid dogs always get to go outside and she doesn't. Every once in a while she freaks out and goes on a loud meowing frenzy. She is not very affectionate except on her own terms. When she does want attention...there is no getting rid of her! She will torture you until you give in and pet her. She loves to play with the light from a pen light or laser light. We have to do it only when the dogs are outside because Livingston also likes it and he turns into a 75 pound puppy bounding around the room...someone could lose an eye!
Kitchen is getting older now...working on 14 years. She has lost a lot of muscle tone in her legs and has a hard time jumping. She has become exceedingly affectionate, which is not the way she has always been. It is a nice change...although she too can be relentless when she wants attention. She is a little devious too. She has figured out that our dog Cede will not walk past her. She will lay in the floor on the rug in the doorway into the Kitchen. Cede will cry and cry and that cat will not budge. I wonder if she will ever figure out that all she has to do is walk forward. Kitchen will just move out of the way! Anyway...we think Kitchen enjoys this a great deal! With having three dogs, we have to feed the cats up on a little table in our Kitchen. Since she can't jump up there anymore, we have to put her up there. Probably her biggest quirk is that she constantly wants new water. She even has a long drawn out "I want water" meow. It is funny!
The cats used to be the center of attention around here...the dogs have definitely taken the spotlight away from them. We do still love our kitties. They are unique and fun to have around. Hopefully one day they will forgive us for bringing dogs into their house!

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