Amy and I met way back in 1984 (that is 25 years ago, people!) in Sumter, South Carolina. Both of our fathers were in the Air Force and Amy happened to move one house down from us. She was in 8th grade and I was in 10th grade. She went to Ebeneezer JR High while I attended Thomas Sumter Academy. The next year, Amy and most of our friends went to St. Judes. I followed suit and began going to that school half way through my Junior year. We had a great time at that school. It was small and we had a large group of friends that did everything together. Amy sent me an email recently and reminded me of a few of things...
- New year's Eve we babysat and wondered around talking to the trees?
- And singing on the back porch
- And the park
- And Georgios
- And the Beachwagon in Myrtle Beach
- And times with Phil and Chris
- Dancing at the Thomas Sumter dances
- "Day, or Night" - Prince
- The Fair
- Bon Jovi
- "California Dreaming" in the talent show
- Speach and drama with Mrs. D. and "Little CindyLou Who"
- Taking Amy's parent's car for a late night trip to the zippy doodle (did Ed have his license?)
- The lightpost on the corner
- Walking around in the rain
- The "Girl's Beach Trip" and staying at the Crepe Myrtle
- Me trying to warn Amy that her parents were home knocking on her bedroom window (Stevie never let me live that down...I bet if I saw him today he'd say something about that!)
- Our two weeks of fun in Myrtle Beach and Charleston
- "Trippin at the @#$! Amoco"
- Michelle and Van's birthday party at Amy's House
- The pontoon boat at the lake
I really could go on and on...since no one else will get most of this I won't...we had a lot of adventures and fun times together. We have not seen each other since Michelle and Atwell's wedding, but Amy and I have always said that we know we'll always know each other. We are just "that kind" of friends. Congratulations Amy and Craig! Here are a couple more pictures of sweet little Sammy!