- New year's Eve we babysat and wondered around talking to the trees?
- And singing on the back porch
- And the park
- And Georgios
- And the Beachwagon in Myrtle Beach
- And times with Phil and Chris
- Dancing at the Thomas Sumter dances
- "Day, or Night" - Prince
- The Fair
- Bon Jovi
- "California Dreaming" in the talent show
- Speach and drama with Mrs. D. and "Little CindyLou Who"
- Taking Amy's parent's car for a late night trip to the zippy doodle (did Ed have his license?)
- The lightpost on the corner
- Walking around in the rain
- The "Girl's Beach Trip" and staying at the Crepe Myrtle
- Me trying to warn Amy that her parents were home knocking on her bedroom window (Stevie never let me live that down...I bet if I saw him today he'd say something about that!)
- Our two weeks of fun in Myrtle Beach and Charleston
- "Trippin at the @#$! Amoco"
- Michelle and Van's birthday party at Amy's House
- The pontoon boat at the lake
I really could go on and on...since no one else will get most of this I won't...we had a lot of adventures and fun times together. We have not seen each other since Michelle and Atwell's wedding, but Amy and I have always said that we know we'll always know each other. We are just "that kind" of friends. Congratulations Amy and Craig! Here are a couple more pictures of sweet little Sammy!