Saturday, June 5, 2010

Happy 90th Birthday to my Grandmother!

Last weekend the family got together to celebrate a big day...YaYa's 90th Birthday! She was born in 1920 in Marion County, Alabama. She was the oldest of four children and has outlived the whole family. She currently resides in Macon, Georgia. Her husband, Ray, passed away in 1991. She has two children of her own, Rachel and Mitchell. She has 4 grandchildren, Martha (40), Michelle (39), Nancy (38), and Morgan (20). She has 3 great-grandchildren, Wells (11), Hundley (10) and Stevens (6). We are very proud of our grandmother! No one believes she is 90! She looks way too young! Here are a few pictures of the day!

Yaya and the Great-Grands

YaYa and Rachel and Mitchell

Mitchell's Gang
(Martha, YaYa, Mitchell, Michelle, Nancy
Hundley, Wells, Stevens)

YaYa and her siblings (Sue, Tommy and Paul) in the late 90's

YaYa and her siblings in the 1920's
The Birthday Girl!
Happy Birthday, YaYa!!

Coming Soon...our Family Tree!

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