Wednesday, November 25, 2009

A Thanksgiving Visit with YaYa

Nancy and I met Michelle in Macon for a quick visit with YaYa before Thanksgiving. We had a nice visit! YaYa told us stories about when she was in college at the University of Alabama, when she met Grandpa and stories about how her parents passed away. The most incredible one was that when she and Grandpa bought their first house, they had saved up $1,000 and went to Mobile (by bus) to buy furniture. They bought a house full of furniture, most of which she still owns today, with that money. I love hearing her stories. She has a very interesting life and worked very hard to achieve all she did in the time she grew up. She turns 90 years old next year and is still as sharp as a tack! We'll have to make this trip again! Although tiring to do in one day, it was fun to have all of us together!

Happy Thanksgiving!!

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